The last decade has been a critical one regarding cybersecurity, with studies predicting the worldwide cost of global cybercrime damage to hit 0.5 trillion dollars annually by 2025 . The capability to detect, analyze, and defend against threats in (near) real-time conditions is not possible without employing machine learning techniques and big data infrastructures. This gives rise to cyberthreat intelligence and analytic solutions, such as (informed) machine learning on big data and open-source intelligence, to perceive, reason, learn, and act against cyber adversary techniques and actions. Moreover, organisations’ security analysts have to manage and protect systems and deal with the privacy and security of all personal and institutional data under their control. The aim of this workshop is to provide researchers with a forum to exchange and discuss scientific contributions, open challenges and recent achievements in machine learning and their role in the development of secure systems. If it will be considered, as in the previous years, we would join an LNCS proceedings volume.
Cybersecurity is of the utmost importance for computing systems. The ethics guidelines for trustworthy artificial intelligence authored by the European Commission’s Independent High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence on April 2019 have highlighted that machine learning-based artificial intelligence developments in various fields, including cybersecurity, are improving the quality of our lives every day, that AI systems should be resilient to attacks and security, and that they should consider security-by-design principles.
Due to the scale and complexity of current systems, it is a permanent and growing concern in industry and academia. On the one hand, the volume and diversity of functional and non-functional data, including open source information, along with increasingly dynamical operating environments, create additional obstacles to the security of systems and the privacy and security of data. On the other hand, it creates an information-rich environment that, leveraged by techniques in the crossing of modern machine learning, data science and visualization fields, will contribute to improving systems and data security and privacy.
This poses significant, industry relevant, challenges to the machine learning and cybersecurity communities, as the main problems arise in contexts of dynamic operating environments and unexpected operating conditions, motivating the demand for production-ready systems able to improve and, adaptively, maintain the security of computing systems as well as the security and privacy of data.
Based on the recent history, we plan to organize this workshop as a European forum for cybersecurity researchers and practitioners who wish to discuss the recent developments of machine learning for developing cybersecurity, by paying special attention to solutions rooted in adversarial learning, pattern mining, neural networks and deep learning, probabilistic inference, anomaly detection, stream learning and mining, and big data analytics.
The last decade has been a critical one regarding cybersecurity, with studies predicting that the worldwide cost of global cybercrime damage will hit 0.5 trillion dollars annually by 2025. Cyberthreats have increased dramatically, exposing sensitive personal and business information, disrupting critical operations and imposing high costs on the economy. The number, frequency, and sophistication of threats will only increase and will become more targeted in nature. Furthermore, today’s computing systems operate under increasing scales and dynamic environments, ingesting and generating more and more functional and non-functional data. The capability to detect, analyze, and defend against threats in (near) real-time conditions is not possible without employing machine learning techniques and big data infrastructure. This gives rise to cyber threat intelligence and analytic solutions, such as (informed) machine learning on big data and open-source intelligence, to perceive, reason, learn, and act against cyber adversary techniques and actions. Moreover, organizations’ security analysts have to manage and protect these systems and deal with the privacy and security of all personal and institutional data under their control. This calls for tools and solutions combining the latest advances in areas such as data science, visualization, and machine learning. We strongly believe that the significant advance of the state-of-the-art in machine learning over the last years has not been fully exploited to harness the potential of available data, for the benefit of systems and data security and privacy. In fact, while machine learning algorithms have already proven beneficial for the cybersecurity industry, they have also highlighted several shortcomings that impact their reliability and safety. As proved multiple times in the literature, machine learning models are vulnerable to adversarial machine learning attacks, which cause target algorithms to either misbehave, provide unethical answers to users’ prompts, or reveal sensitive information about their inner workings. As machine learning-based capabilities become incorporated more frequently into cyber assets, the urgency of understanding the impact and the mitigations of these threats rises exponentially. On the other hand, the community must not ignore that it is still challenging to mine, interpret and extract knowledge from security-related data, harvested from multiple sources and encoded in different formats. Hence, the need for learning techniques that can provide accurate predictions while withstanding adversarial attacks is of paramount importance. On the other side, although the priority of machine learning methods today is to perform accurate detection strengthening their robustness to adversarial attacks, explainability of security systems has recently emerged as a very active research field. Explaining the effect of certain data features on security decisions can contribute to allowing security systems to benefit better from the trust of security stakeholders.
The workshop follows the success of the four previous editions( MLCS 2019, MLCS 2020, MLCS 2021, MLCS 2022, and MLCS 2023) co-located with ECML-PKDD. In all the previous editions the workshop gained strong interest, with attendance of between 20 and 30 participants, lively post-presentation discussions, amazing invited talks in all the editions and a vibrant panel discussion in both the 2019 and 2021 editions. We strive to provide researchers with a forum to exchange and discuss scientific contributions and open challenges, both theoretical and practical, related to the use of machine-learning approaches in cybersecurity. We want to foster joint work and knowledge exchange between the cybersecurity community, by increasing the connection between researchers and practitioners from not only the machine learning area, but also experts from the big data, data science, and visualization areas. The workshop shall provide a forum for discussing novel trends and achievements in machine learning and their role in the development of secure systems. We want to highlight the latest research trends in machine learning, privacy of data, big data, deep learning, incremental and stream learning, and adversarial machine learning. In particular, the goal of this workshop is to promote the application of these emerging machine learning techniques to cybersecurity by measuring how they improve the field with their predictive capabilities.
The workshop shall contribute to identifying new application areas as well as open and future research problems related to the application of machine learning in the cybersecurity field.
MLCS welcomes both research papers reporting results from mature work, recently published work, as well as more speculative papers describing new ideas or preliminary exploratory work. Papers reporting industry experiences and case studies will also be encouraged. However, it should be noticed that papers based on recently published work will not be considered for publication in the proceedings.
All topics related to the contribution of machine learning approaches to the security of organisations’ systems and data are welcome. These include, but are not limited to:
MLCS welcomes both research papers reporting results from mature work, recently published work, as well as more speculative papers describing new ideas or preliminary exploratory work. Papers reporting industry experiences and case studies will also be encouraged. However, it should be noted that papers based on recently published work will not be considered for publication in the proceedings.
Submissions are accepted in two formats:All submissions should be made in PDF using the Microsoft CMT and must adhere to the Springer LNCS style. Templates are available here.
Based on the quality and number of accepted regular papers, regular workshop papers (except papers reporting recently published work or preliminary work) will be “tentatively” published in the workshop post-proceedings.
At least one author of each accepted paper must have a full registration and be in Vilnius to present the paper . Papers without a full registration or in-presence presentation won't be included in the post-workshop Springer proceedings.
To submit your paper, kindly refer to the instructions provided on the Microsoft Conference Management Tool (CMT) platform. You can access these instructions by visiting the following link: submission-form.html. Once on the platform, utilize the filter option to search for the "European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Workshop and Tutorial Track". Then, select "Machine Learning for Cybersecurity (MLCS 2024)" under the "Create new submission" tab. Alternatively, you may use this link to access the submission page directly.
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University of Genoa
Short Biography
Antonio Emanuele Cinà has been an assistant professor (RTDA) at the University of Genoa, Italy, since June 2023. He received his Ph.D. (cum laude) in Computer Science from Ca' Foscari University of Venice in 2023, defending a thesis on the vulnerabilities and emerging risks arising from the malicious use of training data in AI. His research interests encompass all aspects of AI system security and the study of their trustworthiness, with primary expertise in training (poisoning) and inference-time (evasion) attacks. Recently, he has been investigating the capabilities of Generative AI models (LLMs), exploring the security aspects of these cutting-edge systems and how this technology can be integrated to optimize user applications.
Keynote Title: Robust Machine Learning: Benchmarking Best Practices
Abstract: Machine Learning (ML) models are vulnerable to adversarial examples, carefully crafted inputs that force the target model to make erroneous decisions at test time. Given the growing popularity of ML, we witness a proliferation of attacking strategies to assess their robustness, all claiming to be the best so far. However, we show that different experimental setups can yield overly optimistic and even biased evaluations that may favor one attack unfairly over others. Consequently, practitioners may be inclined to choose suboptimal attacks to validate ML models' robustness before deployment. In this talk, I aim to present AttackBench, the first evaluation framework that enables a fair comparison among different attacks. Through AttackBench, I will highlight several implementation issues that prevent many attacks from finding better solutions or running at all and identify the key ingredients for developing effective testing attacks. The intention is to provide an additional perspective on correctly choosing routines for ML robustness verification and developing guidelines for novel attacks, thereby revealing new opportunities for future research.
Short Biography
Dr. Yufei Han is currently working as Advanced Research Position (ARP) at CIDRE team, INRIA France. He has received his Ph.D of Engineering at National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), China (2010). Yufei worked as post-doctoral research fellow at INRIA (2010-2014) Saclay and senior principal researcher at Symantec Research Labs (2015-2021) at Sophia Antipolis, France. Yufei’s research interests include Machine Learning-driven cyber security analysis, e.g. malware detection and network intrusion detection. He also focuses on analyzing adversarial vulnerability of machine learning approaches in security-critical applications. The goal of his work aims at providing a trusted machine learning service for cybersecurity data analysis and encouraging a synergy between machine learning techniques and cyber security. He has served as PC and SPC for numerous conferences, including ICML, ICLR, KDD, NeurIPS, SDM, IJCAI and AAAI, and reviewers for prestigious journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) and Computer & Security (Elsevier). He has authored over 50 research publications on top-tiered machine learning and cyber security conferences, e.g. ICML, KDD, IJCAI, AAAI, ICDM, CCS, NDSS, S&P Oakland and Usenix Security. He has also filed 27 US patents, 16 of which have been already granted.
Keynote Title: Backdoor Threats against Federated Learning Models: History and Open Problems
Abstract: Compromised participants of Federated Learning have demonstrated the power of injecting backdoor poisoning effects to the globally aggregated model. Are Federated Learning (FL) systems free from backdoor poisoning with the arsenal of various defense strategies deployed? This is an intriguing problem with significant practical implications regarding the utility of FL services. Besides, is there any silver bullet solution to mitigate backdoor attacks? In this talk, I will go through the past research efforts around this topic and discuss the lessons learnt from them, which hopefully pave the way towards new directions to investigate.
9:20 | Opening remarks: Welcome to MLCS
2024! |
9:30 |
Keynote speech Session chair: Luca Demetrio Backdoor Threats against Federated Learning Models: History and Open Problem Yufei Han (CIDRE team, INRIA France) |
Paper session: LLMs in Cybersecurity Session chair: Luca Demetrio |
10:40 | Evaluation of LLM Chatbots for OSINT-based Cyber Threat Awareness (Short Paper) Samaneh Shafee,Alysson Bessani,Pedro M. Ferreira |
11:00 | Coffee break |
Paper session: Network traffic data analysis Session chair: Pedro Ferreira |
11:20 | Systematic Evaluation of Synthetic Data Augmentation for Multi-class NetFlow Traffic Maximilian Wolf; Dieter Landes; Andreas Hotho; Daniel Schlör |
11:50 | Leveraging XAI in Network Intrusion Detection Malik Mohammad AL-Essa, Giuseppina Andresini, Annalisa Appice, Donato Malerba |
Paper session: Adversarial Learning Session chair: Annalisa Appice |
12:10 | Patch of Invisibility: Naturalistic Black-Box Adversarial Attacks on Object Detectors Raz Lapid, Eylon Mizrahi, Moshe Sippe |
12:40 | Enhancing Network Intrusion Detection Systems Against Adversarial Evasion Attacks Using Machine Learning and Model Diversity Allan da S. Espindola, Eduardo Viegas, António Casimiro, Altair O Santin, Pedro M Ferreira |
13:00 | Lunch | 14:00 |
Keynote speaker Session chair: Giuseppina Andresini Robust Machine Learning: Benchmarking Best Practices Antonio Emanuele Cinà (University of Genoa) |
Paper session: Malware Detection Session chair: Giuseppina Andresini |
15:10 | Nebula: Self-Attention for Dynamic Malware Analysis Dmitrijs Trizna, Luca Demetrio, Battista Biggio, Fabio Roli |
15:30 | Use of Multi-CNNs for Section Analysis in Static Malware Detection Tony Quertier, Grégoire Barrué |
16:00 | Conclusions : Giuseppina Andresini, Annalisa Appice, Luca Demetrio, Pedro Ferreira |
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